So to conclude the Brimfield saga: I returned home with my bag of goodies (I bought a bunch of little glass birds for my window sill), and I proceed to open the bag to show Beeps my finds, when I feel something strange wrapped in newspaper inside the bag. I pick it up and it doesn't feel like glass. It's much lighter and a strange shape. I open the paper and to my surprise...
Move over GW, there's a new
Fug in town!
Behold, The Bard:

Apparently my Dad had seen this and could not resist its purchase. I think he heckled the guy from $5 down to $3. What a steal! I was not expecting to be fugged since I knew that
Smoochies still had GW. All I can say is look out world, there are now two fugs, and you may one day be on the receiving end.