Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bye Bye Parker

Ugg, I can't believe my Parker has been voted off BB9. I almost cried and by the look on Parker's face during Julie's interview, I think he was either gonna bitch slap Jen or burst into tears.

But how great has this season been? And how crazy was that fight between Amanda, Chelsia and Joshuah!!!! I couldn't believe what he said about Amanda's Dad. That was waaaaaay low. There is so much drama this year. What's funny is that NO ONE keeps their mouth shut so if you are talking behind someone's back, he/she is sure to find out. So Amanda needs to stick a sock in her pie hole.

I love how jealous Alex is getting over Amanda telling her that if they can't be intimate that she can't be intimate with anyone else in the house! As much as I think Amanda is "slutty" (Alex's words not mine), I don't think he has the right to make such demands.

And how crazy that Jen told Sheila that Ryan was a racist and then denied that she said it!!! I was blown away at how stupid Jen is. And poor Parker was dragged through the mud with her. She's a dumb a$$.

And on top of it all poor Joshuah lost his soul mate to a "family emergency" and now is stuck with Sharon. Although I have high hopes for them as a team. And now that Parker is gone I have to pick a new favorite. So I'm thinking that if Joshuah can keep his bigmouth shut, and not pick any more fights, then he could have a chance. Right now though, the couple to beat is Matt and Natalie.

Stay tuned!