Here is a transcription of how that call went. (Name has been changed to protect the innocent):
Scott: "Hello, Chester County Books and Music, this is Scott, can I help you?"
Me: "Yes, I'd like to 'reserve' a book or whatever it's called. You know, before the book comes out so I can be sure to get a copy when it's released."
Scott: "Sure, what's it called?"
Me: Breaking Dawn
Silence. I think he's typing to look it up.
Scott: "Is that that stupid..."
Me: Silence. My cheeks redden with embarrassment. I think to myself "I know I'm like the only 30-something, happily married woman, reading these novels, but is he passing judgment on my reading selection? Seriously? The guy works the register at the book store and HE'S poo-pooing my novel choice? I mean, I get that I'm not in high school, but maybe I'm buying it for my daughter as a gift instead of buying for myself." (I don't have kids, but he doesn't know that.)
Scott: Silence.
Me: "I think it comes out on Saturday."
Scott: "That's an odd time for a book release."
Me to myself: "Did he just call me a liar? First he craps on my book obsession and now he's calling me out?"
Scott: "Oh, Stephenie Meyer. Got it. And you're right , it does come out on Saturday."
Me: "Great"
Scott: "What's your last name?"
Me: "Smith."
Scott: Laughing "No, really?"
Me: "yes, really." Did he just called me a liar AGAIN?
Scott: "What's your first name?"
Me: I tell him.
Scott: "It will be here for you on Saturday for pick up."
Me: "Thanks."
We hang up. I knew there was another reason I didn't read.