However, for the past several months I've been working on putting together this press event for a client (sending invites, making calls, organizing stuff). And I've been just praying that people show. The event was this past Tuesday and it turned out to be ok. It stormed pretty bad so I think that kept people away. But what can you do? I don't control the weather or people's actions. Now I move into follow-up mode.
Meanwhile, nothing has really happened in my personal life. The weekends have been pretty tame. This weekend my Nana is coming to my house for a visit so Beeps and I will be cleaning tonight and I have to make some grub for a picnic my sis is having. Nothing crazy.
Oh, one thing of note, is that Beeps and I now have a new favorite reality show: Celebrity Circus. We tuned in the other night just to see how bad and funny it would be. Beeps recalled how he enjoyed Circus of the Stars when he was younger. I could never get into that show because I

I was especially amazed at how in shape these celebs need to be to pull off this crap. And Antonio Sabato Jr. still looks pretty hot. Can someone tell me why he never had a career? I am also in like with that Stacy Dash tart that played Dee in Clueless. She's super cute.
The premise is that these D list celebs train on a variety of acts like the High Wire, Fire Dancing, Hand Balancing, Flying Trapeze, Chinese Poles, Aerial Silks, and the Wheel of Death, and the stars have eight weeks to train and perfect their acts. The host is Joey FATone and each week the viewers decide who goes home. But the best part of the show is Louie Spence (one of the "Talented" judges) who is so effeminate, and he has the strangest slobbery lisp, that he is almost a caricature of gay man doing an impersonation of a straight man impersonating a gay man. I LOVE IT! I hang on his every word just waiting for him to pronounce something with an "S". Good times.
It's on Wednesday at 9:30. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Ok, gotta go, but have a fab weekend everyone.