Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's Bring Back Time!

How funny was last night's episode of BB9? I was right in my prediction of the partners splitting (which was what was expected) although I wasn't sure how they were going to handle it during evictions. It was kinda cruel for BB to make the sound happen right as Ryan and Allison were walking out the door with their bags only to hit them with the news that one of them is still being voted out. Allison's freak out was absolutely incredible when she thought for a brief moment that she was saved, only to be tossed out by a 6 - 0 vote! Now that was good television. And from all the crying she did, we finally got to see her without spider legs for eyelashes.

But I digress. Ok, so what I didn't see coming was that one person from sequester gets to be voted back INTO the house. I'm stoked because there's a chance that my boy Parker could make a triumphant reemergence. So I will be casting my vote on and you should too!

As much as I liked Jen on the show, I'm not sure I could stomach another sexy rendezvous with Ryan in the bathroom. So I need your help. Please go and vote for Parker to come back in the house.

And how will Ryan handle HOH? I'm thinking Josh will be in his sights!

Stay Tuned!