Friday night Beeps and i just chilled, played with the pooch and went to bed early. Saturday was fun. I went shopping for b-day gifts for my nieces and nephew in preparation for a Sunday b-day party. Saturday evening we met up with Beeps' family at his parent's house. We had delicious pizza and some yummy wine. Beep's sis Leigh was in town from Vegas with her son Max. He likes money.

Sunday my sister Sam and I headed down to Jersey to meet up at my Mom's house. She was throwing a b-day party for my niece Meg who turned 17. It was a tea party. How cool is that? Her friends came and my mom made lots of sandwiches without crust. We drank tea and ate cookies and whatnot. It was fun. My mom also gave me a painting that she did of our dog Joey. It's awesome!
This is my niece Sadie. Way cute right?

Then it was back to dub see where I changed into a new outfit, took a quick "tops and tails" sponge bath, and headed back out the door to see the Decemberists at the Mann. It was great. We just got back and I'm exhausted. The show was amazing. The band played with the Mann orchestra. Just beautiful stuff. Good times. Beeps bought a print at the show that we plan to get framed. It's really nice.
Now I'm going to go to bed. Later.